High Roding Cricket Club News story

Wine Quiz Saturday 26th April: tables selling fast!

24 Mar 2014

Hi Everyone,

We have 5 tables left so please hurry and send the enclosed form to book your table.  

An entertaining evening designed to enjoy wine and learn about wine tasting.


8 Wine tasting Quiz rounds
Taste tunnel
Call my wine bluff  rounds,
Quick Fire Quiz Rounds
Double or Quits Jocker Round
Wine Auction
Wine for Sale for the table
Entertaining and instructional evening around the theme of Wine.
Prize for the Winning table.

£20 includes a delicious supper and wine for tasting.

Booking a Taxi highly recommended!

Hope to see you on the 26th April.

For more information contact me on belinda.sturge@gmail.com or phone: 07971 53 52 52.


Belinda Sturge
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