This week it's the turn of lovable legspinner Angus Burns to answer our questions.
What was your earliest High Roding Memory?
There are two that stand out, interlinked through an undertone of crippling mediocrity. Not getting selected for a competitive game in my first year as a colt was soul crushing. Trying to keep wicket in a practice game and giving away 30 byes in 2 overs before being forced to hand over the gloves.
What was the best bit of sledging you’ve ever heard on a cricket field?
Sledging is inherently silly. Why can’t we all just get along? Tom Goulding’s a pretty funny guy.
What has been the funniest moment whilst playing for High Roding?
Dropping a catch onto my chin. It hurt a lot. From an external point of view, any Hussain-centric run out. Best enjoyed with a cold Corona and a bag of kettle chips.
What would you say your best performance was for High Roding?
Either my 6 wickets for 8 runs, or batting score of 126. Coincidentally, these were both against Stebbing. They must have a severely warped perception of my actual abilities as a cricketer.
What are your predictions for this season?
Myself to steal the first team batting averages following a string of 4 & 5’s not outs at the bottom of the order. Mel Hussain to make a dramatic return to High Roding after failing to impress the Bishops Stortford boys with his tales of second team county cricket. Bentley to have dog poo on their outfield. I like to think we’ll stay up, but a title challenge may be beyond us.
What is your song of choice at the 6 a side karaoke?
I usually go home at 7pm for a cup of tea.
Worst wicket you’ve ever played on in the T-Rippon?
They’re not great. It’s a washout every year at Stock, there’s always dog poo at Bentley. I remember Pegasus and Corringham being an absolute minefield, so they get my vote.
Who is the best Holdgate?
Favourite HR player?
A toss up between Josh Grinham and Ray Owen. Real Cricketers.
Favourite shot?
The forward defensive. They say the best form of attack is defence – that definitely does not apply to cricket, or my batting.
Best ground you’ve played at in cricket?
Felsted in the height of summer is wonderful. Probably Stockport in Manchester, beautiful old county ground.
Describe your cricketing personality in 3 words.
Money on ball.